Meditation With Therapeutic Exploration

At Nurse The Soul we offer personalised meditation with therapeutic exploration in which we use the art of guided visualisation and an unfoldment process to find our beauty, strength, love and wisdom deep within ourselves. We know from personal experience the therapeutic value of this practice. Meditation is now recognised to have a profound effect on our health, peace and happiness and when we spend time exploring our inner experience it can help us find our purpose in life, bring in abundance and change the way we communicate in relationships. There is also now research showing the younger you start, the easier it is to block out the noise you want to escape from and find your centre. 

What will I need for the class? We ask for you to have a set of coloured pens or pencils and a journal close by for reflections. You will need a pair of earphones or headphones to help offset background noise. Get comfy blankets, pillows and cushions – somewhere snuggly like a bed or sofa. Light some candles, incense or use essential oils to create a sacred ritual space. Make a cup of tea and glass of water. Laying out your favourite oracle or tarot card decks and wearing comfy clothes and pyjamas are more than welcome. 

To begin meditation with therapeutic exploration we require that you have an initial consultation first. This is free of charge and lasts up to 50 minutes either face to face or via video call. This is so that the techniques can be discussed before we work with them, the client understands their use and we can see they are willing to embrace them. After the consultation we will usually begin the following week with sessions.

To view our fees please click here or for more information please contact us here.