
Jasmine Jarchevska, BA (Hons), Dip. Psych., UKCP Accred.

Jasmine is the founder of Nurse The Soul and is an experienced counsellor and psychotherapist. She sees adults from across the world and has a private practice both online and within her home in London, where she also runs circles, workshops and individual retreats.

Jasmine is a contemporary transpersonal integrative psychotherapist who uses a gentle, subtle and relational approach with individuals. Her focus is on uncovering early life scripts and unconscious family dynamics that bleed into present relationships with a partner (or the inability to attach), parents, children, work, friendships and ultimately the relationship with the self. Jasmine understands mental illnesses as symptoms of internalised family systems and she works with her clients to uproot these and nurse the soul into wholeness. Her belief is that psychotherapy is essential when a truer version of the self is ready to appear. She knows how to listen to the calling of the soul as well as cultivate a relationship beyond the personal, with the impersonal self. 

In her sessions she uses the body, ritual, symbolism, myths and fairytales, animals, artwork, nature and dreams to facilitate this connection and relationship. Jasmine believes the inner marriage between the masculine and feminine, mind and body, heart and shadow, spirit and soul is integral to our individual work as human beings and bringing consciousness to the planet. 

Jasmine’s areas of expertise include: Female Psychology, Inner Child Work, Grounded Spirituality, Anxiety, Addiction, Codependency, Relationship Communication, Family Dynamics, Shadow Work, Self Esteem Issues, Eating Disorders and Self Image.

Qualifications and Accreditations

BA (Hons) Theatre and Performance from the University of Leeds where Jasmine began her research in tribal rituals and the physical expression of symptoms in the body.

Certificate in the Foundations of Counselling and Psychotherapy from The Centre of Counselling and Psychotherapy Education, Europe’s largest training centre for Integrative Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Jasmine completed this one year training which covers the fundamentals of counselling and psychotherapy from a spiritual, psychodynamic, humanistic and transpersonal perspective.

Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy from The Centre of Counselling and Psychotherapy Education. The emphasis on this post graduate diploma is on developing a spiritual perspective on human interaction and obtaining a theoretical and practical training in the counselling and psychotherapy profession. The course also focuses on learning practical techniques to help people with psychological problems as well as those who are seeking to unfold their own potential. Jasmine completed this four year diploma course which involved 900 contact hours, including one six-day intensive, one residential weekend, 24 weekend seminars and 120 evening meetings spread over four years. The evening meetings include a period for lectures and group supervision. In addition, Jasmine undertook a minimum of 160 hours of individual therapy, 120 hours of group therapy, 550 hours of supervised counselling/psychotherapy practice and 100 hours at an approved psychiatric observational placement.

Accredited with the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy, the leading organisation that holds the national register of psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors who only include practitioners who have met the organisation’s exacting standards and training requirements and who abide by their code of ethics.


Since 2011, Jasmine has worked in the NHS, a children’s hospital (Great Ormond Street), a health clinic (Chelsea Natural Health Clinic), a personality disorder service (The Cassel Hospital), private therapy organisations (Wandsworth Association of Psychotherapy and The Centre of Counselling and Psychotherapy Education) and multiple registered charities (Off The Record, Carers Trust and Fresh Start Psychotherapy).

Jasmine has attended courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and retreats in the following subject areas:

Group Dynamics, Creativity in Psychotherapy, Critical Writing in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Basic skills in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Fundamental Skills in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Intermediate Skills in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Advanced Skills in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Family dynamics, Alchemy: the Process of Transformation, Alchemy, Archetypes and Personal Unfoldment, Creative Imagination: Applications and Techniques for Healing, Dreams and Personal Growth, Inner Child Work, Understanding and working with people who have experienced trauma, Improving Mental Health Services for Young Adults, Cognitive Counselling, Anxiety, Depression and Young people, Autism and working with autistic clients, Safeguarding London’s Children, Resourcing Training, Mindfulness and deep listening and awareness, Bereavement, Solution-focussed therapy training, Off The Record Eating Disorders, Engaging with deep trauma, Exploring the Adolescent process, Ethics, Safeguarding and Child Protection, Risk Assessment, Mental Health Issues and referral by CAMHS, Chanting and Dhamma Talk followed by Walking and Sitting Meditation, Alchemy of Relationships, Body Awareness, Family Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Alternative research methods, Psychology of Accomplishment, Healing with Breath and Sound, Academic Support with Transpersonal Case Studies, Academic Support with Integrative Case Studies, The Quarter Life Health Project, Life Crisis: an Opportunity for Breakthrough, Writing Case Histories, Facilitating Spiritual Growth, Understanding Dreams in Psychotherapy, Supervision Weekends, Short Term Counselling Training, Codependency and the Transpersonal, Codependency Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Eating Disorders, Overeaters Anonymous, Sexual Development, A Transpersonal View of Adolescence, Psychedelics – The Psychology and Psychiatry, Couples Therapy, Addiction, Envy, Jealousy and Greed, Trauma, Transactional Analysis, Transcultural Issues, Existential Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Jungian Approaches to Imaging and Symptom as Symbol, Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon Family Groups, 5×15: Exploring the New Science of Psychedelics, A Holistic Perspective of Psychotherapy and the Work of Michael Washburn and Ken Wilber, Transpersonal Psychology and Brant Cortright, Participation: The New Science, Alchemical Operations, Inherited Qualities, LGBTQI, Basic Operating Principles of the Spiritual Perspective, Cases Histories, Sex and Love Addiction Anonymous, Sexual and Intimacy Anorexics Anonymous, Transpersonal Perspectives, Reiki Level I, Inviting Intimacy, Chakras in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Planes of Consciousness in Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Linking the Transpersonal Perspective to Therapeutic Practice, Identifying Planes of Consciousness In Dreams, Dreams in Alchemical Operations and the Alchemical Process, Recognising Archetypes in Dreams and Integrating Bodywork with Dreams and Imagery, Mother, Father and Child Archetypes, Working with the Shadow, The Archetype of the Anima, The Archetype of the Animus, Reading and Debating Research Papers and Articles, Transcultural Issues, Differences and Diversity, Integrating Transpersonal and Analytical Approaches, Dealing with Narcissistic Personalities, Myths and Dreams, Ethical Issues, Transpersonal Groupwork, Endings in Psychotherapy, Emerging from the Family Cocoon: The Wonder of Individuation, Shamanic Counselling, The Shamanic Path: Deepening Our Connection to Nature, Death, DMT and Discarnate Entities: A Misadventure into Magic, Myth, Folklore and Potent Neurohacking, EMDR and the Transpersonal, Addiction and the Wounded Child, Journeying with Inanna, Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Mood Disorders, Schizophrenia and Dissociative Disorders, Personality Disorders, Soulmates: The Uncommon Bond, Karmic Relationships: Healing the split for conscious co-creation, Shamanic Journeying, Soul Retrieval, C.G. Jung Club London Events and Seminars, Jung and Tarot, Aromatherapy and Using Essential Oils, Introduction to Homeopathy, The Basics of Paganism, Working with Myth and Archetypes to Respond to a World in Crisis, Kundalini, Buddhism, Emotions Anonymous, Anorexic Bulimics Anonymous, Jung Club Myths and Fairytales, and multiple Cacao Circles, Women’s Circles, Plant Medicine Ceremonies, Naturopathy classes and Astrology lectures and seminars. 

Alongside her work with clients, Jasmine spends approximately 750 hours per year (approx. 15 hours per week) continuingwith her training and development with personal development events, supervision, group work, personal therapy, courses, circles, research and reading.